There is really no parsing words for 2022. It has been a very tough year for investors. As of the end of September, all of the major market indexes are down 20% or greater. To make matters worse, the traditionally “safe” bond market is down by more than 13%. Heck,...
We are all aware at this point that 2022 is shaping up to be a tough one for investors. Frankly, after above-average returns for the previous 3-year period (2019-2021), it is not inconceivable that we were due for a sub-par year. Of course, the specific events that...
Greetings! As I’ve watched, listened to, and read various financial media outlets over the last few weeks and months, there is an accelerating drumbeat of mentions, predictions, and discussions on the big “R word.” You know it, the dreaded RECESSION. I’m sure you...
As we close out what has been a pretty rough first half of 2022, I can’t help but observe some of the biggest headlines in the media this morning. I keep seeing “worst first half,” or “worst start to the year” or similar headlines. For statisticians, I think this is...